Future Connected Experiences

Part of my role at Discovery included the ideation and incubation of new connected experiences and services. This provided myself and my teams with the ability to not only re-think current media and streaming services, but to also look beyond the constraints of today and reach towards the not so distant future.

While working on the initial concepts and vision for Food Network Kitchen and Magnolia, we had discussed the opportunity to re-engage with fans around the globe with a concept called “Beyond”. Beyond was not like any other service as it focused heavily on areas of Science, Technology, Natural History and Adventure. Its unique differentiator was focused on bringing passionate fans and communities around the globe together with live and interactive experiences building on knowledge, curiosity and empowerment.

Beyond: Mobile concepts for interactive stories around the globe.

Beyond: Live Streaming Events from anywhere in the world with interactive discussion and social integrations.

Our mission is to deliver live, real-time experiences to everyone, anywhere in the universe - all to the palm of your hand.
— Shawn Johnson

Beyond: Mobile and Connected TV Screens that allow personalization and a uniquely tailored customer experience.

Beyond: Tailored and targeted mobile experiences provide you access to the world in the palm of your hand.

Future opportunities only exist when there is a group of people willing to be the astronauts of the group. That is how I defined our mission to the team. Through customer and landscape research, we looked forward into the future for key areas and opportunities that would not only excite people, but connect them around content and community. The work we created for Beyond set a new benchmark and north star for Discovery - creating multiple areas of opportunity across the globe. Although many of these features are found within Discovery+, they are also incubation models for new live and interactive experiences viewed as social connectors.

Beyond Project Highlights

  • Live Real Time Experiences & Social Experiences

  • Live Event Q&A with Experts from Around the Globe

  • Enhanced Interactivity and Context for Leading Stories

  • Tailored & Localized Location Based Experiences

  • Community Based Features & User Generated Experiences